Dear Guests,
The International Symposium of Science Museums has established itself as a significant platform where science museum professionals and related experts from around the world gather to discuss recent trends, share insights, and expand cooperation within the science museum community.
The 14th International Symposium of Science Museums, themed ¡°Science Museums in the Era of Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges,¡± aims to delve into how science museums can offer educational and cultural value to future generations in an era where digital innovation is accelerating.
The advancement of digital technologies presents new opportunities for science museums while also posing challenges that must be overcome. This symposium will be a valuable opportunity to explore the impact of digital innovation on the operation, exhibitions, and education in science museums. It will also discuss how science museums can overcome these challenges and establish themselves as hubs of science and technology culture in future society.
We hope you will be able to attend, and we look forward to sharing this meaningful time envisioning the future of science museums together.
Thank you.
Chairperson Sukmin Kwon of NSM Korea

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